Saturday 31 December 2011

dictionary project - day eleven

Day eleven: Petulant
Meaning: Contemptuous speech or behaviour; Unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; rude

This is a very quick entry today, the New Years Celebrations are under way, all my wonderful family are together and tomorrow is "Christmas day" We're off in a bit to light lanterns and float them off into the sky.
Today we went to Liverpool, found it hard to find a photo to match the word but then on the way home we hit a traffic jam. Figured this would cause some petulant behaviour!

Petulant; Petulance [pet·u·lant] adj.  1. Contemptuous in speech or behavior.  2. Unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; rude.

Friday 30 December 2011

dictionary project - day ten

Day ten: Palindrome
Meaning: Reading the same backward as forward

Todays word was chosen by dad as we had gone out for a walk down the canal and I had forgotten to check out my daily word. So here's the interpretation of Palindrome, the reflections of the trees.

Thursday 29 December 2011

dictionary project - day nine

Day nine: Ephemeral
Meaning: Lasting for a markedly brief time; Living or lasting only for a day, as with certain plants or insects

Firstly I would like to apologise to my fellow challengers for my distinct lack of participation over the last week or so! Christmas time, visiting friends and general enjoyment took over my life for a while. I will try again although I'm guessing with a family Christmas weekend approaching time will also pass by very quickly with not a thought spared for a dictionary!

Today's word was very easy for this time of year. Not much in the house around Christmas lasts longer than a day. In our house Brie NEVER lasts more than a day, in fact it's lucky to make it to an hour!

Friday 23 December 2011

dictionary project - day seven and eight

Day eight: Auspicious
Meaning: promising success; opportune; favourable

Tonight was the reunion and Christmas get together for the Gambia Nov 2011 team. This team were the best and I was so excited about seeing everyone and getting everyone back together again. Everyone got on so well and had such a laugh that the night was going to be an auspicious occasion. And it truly was.

Day seven - Pabulum
Meaning: material for intellectual nourishment

A dictionary for the dictionary project. This is my dad's dictionary from when he was at school! The date in the front says 1963 which would have made him 14. Unfortunately there's no secret love letters hidden in the pages which would have made it a much more interesting read.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

dictionary project - day six

Day six: Repugnant
Meaning: distasteful, objectionable, or offensive: a repugnant smell

Today's word seemed to fit very well with a programme I was watching on the tv called "The Witch Doctor" A documentary on herbal and natural medicines used around the world. The episode I watched was filmed in India. They were drinking cow wee and eating cow dung! Apparently good for basic health and contains healing properties. Totally gross I reckon, dunno if I could do it. So yeah, repugnant... Love the guys face in the second photo! Sums up repugnant to me!

Monday 19 December 2011

dictionary project - day two, three, four and five.

My apologies to my fellow challengers and any followers for my lack of blogging of late. I travelled to Devon on Friday and have been staying in a house with no internet connection... think it must be the only house in England with no connection! Flippin so annoying though.
Needless to say I have still been continuing with my challenge and will now bring you up to date with my journey through the dictionary project.

Day five: Pensive
Meaning: Expressing or revealing thoughtfulness, usually marked by some sadness

This is Chelsea. My friend Ruth is looking after her for a while. Got this shot this morning while Ruths son, Josh was playing with her with her favourite squeaky pink ball! Josh is currently hiding the ball while Chelsea looks on in a pensive mood. I think she does look kind of sad, she just wants her ball.

Day 4: Irradiate
Meaning: Shine on, throw light on, light up (face)

So for day 4 I didn't really have a lot of time to mess around with my camera or think about what I could snap. I was busy with a friend and her two little girls all day so I quickly took a photo of myself before rushing out of the door. I think it's a good picture though, the sun lighting up my face! (No snide comments Jen!!)

Day 3: Circuitous
Meaning: roudabout; not direct

Saw this king or wise man , Magai to be precise, in the shop at Bickleigh Mill. I thought he was a very beautiful looking man but then I thought he'd make a great photo for my word of the day. Once they had been to see Baby Jesus (who wasn't a baby by the time they got there) the 3 wise men returned back to their homeland by an indirect route so as to avoid King Herod.

Day 2 - Repetition
Meaning - A reproduction, copy or replica

Sorry the photo isn't of great quality. It's hard to take a photo while you're being joggled around on a moving train and you're trying to hide from the other people on the carriage so as not to look like a complete donkey taking a photo of chairs!! Anyway. Here we have it, repetition.

Thursday 15 December 2011

dictionary project - day one

My first official day and already I have 2 challenge companions (Jen and Em)  and the first challenge has been set (by Hannah). Operation Dictionary Project is gogo and will take us 2 weeks to complete. Each day we will use a randomly picked word to inspire our photography and get us using our imagination to express it in whichever way we want!

Today's word: Specious
Meaning: Pleasing to the eye but deceptive

Due to the season I've gone with a Christmassy idea... and I guess more specious to children than to adults.

Wednesday 14 December 2011


So today I decided to take my photography experience to another level.
I recently purchased a new camera and have been totally enjoying getting to know it. It comes everywhere with me. My new found friend.
I started looking online for photography challenges. There are so many websites and blogs out there, at some point I'll list my favourites. I'm already an avid "blipper" which you can check out at here but I wanted to find something more challenging. So I've settled for my own blog. What it will turn into I have no idea but I'm going to enjoy snapping away and posting some of my favourite shots on here. I'm going to give myself a challenge each week so if you'd like to join me then please feel free! OR if you would like to set me a challenge then I'll happily accept. Would love to have some fellow snappers to encourage me and join me as I challenge myself to look outside the box... or frame

So to start off here are a couple of my favourite shots I've taken over the last few days. I'm off to think of some challenges.